
Showing posts from March, 2016

Quickstart: Angular2 with TypeScript and Gulp: Watch For File Changes

In this part of Quickstart: Angular2 with Typescript and Gulp I will walk you through adding watch task to angular2-typescript-gulp project so changes in source directory are reflected in the build directory.

Quickstart: Angular2 with TypeScript and Gulp: TSLint

In this part of Quickstart: Angular2 with Typescript and Gulp I will walk you through adding TypeScript Lint to angular2-typescript-gulp project. TSLint checks TypeScript code for readability, maintainability, and functionality errors and in Gulp it can be used with gulp-tslint plugin.

Quickstart: Angular2 with TypeScript and Gulp

Angular2 is out. The new version of the framework is much simpler to learn thanks to easier and more concise concepts like component-based architecture, new dependency injection or built-in modularity. In this step-by-step tutorial you will learn how how to get started with Angular2 with TypeScript and Gulp. Source code available on Github.