
Showing posts from April, 2014

HOW-TO: Spring Boot and Thymeleaf with Maven

Spring Boot is a great piece of software allowing you to bootstrap Spring application within a few seconds. And it really works. As little configuration as possible to get started. And still possible to change the defaults. Let's see how easily is to bootstrap Spring MVC with Thymeleaf and Maven and work with it in IntelliJ.

CSRF protection in Spring MVC, Thymeleaf, Spring Security application

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack which forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which he/she is currently authenticated. Preventing CSRF attacks in Spring MVC / Thymeleaf application is fairly easy if you use Spring Security 3.2 and above.

Yet another way to handle exceptions in JUnit: catch-exception

There are many ways of handling exceptions in JUnit ( 3 ways of handling exceptions in JUnit. Which one to choose? , JUnit ExpectedException rule: beyond basics ). In this post I will introduce catch-exception library that I was recommended to give a try. In short, catch-exceptions is a library that catches exceptions in a single line of code and makes them available for further analysis.