
Showing posts from April, 2015

JUnit: Testing Exceptions with Java 8 and AssertJ 3.0.0

AssertJ 3.0.0 release for Java 8 makes testing exceptions much easier than before. In one of my previous blog post I described how to utilize plain Java 8 to achieve this, but with AssertJ 3.0.0 much of the code I created may be removed. Warning: this blog post contains mostly the code examples.

JAX-RS 2.x vs Spring MVC: Returning an XML representation of a list of objects

JSON is King as it goes to all kinds of REST* APIs, but still you may need to expose multiple representations, including XML. With both JAX-RS and Spring MVC this is very simple. Actually, the only thing to do is to annotate POJOs returned from the API call with JAXB annotation and that’s it. But when it goes to serializing a list of objects, JAX-RS will do a bit better than Spring MVC, in my opinion. Let’s see.

Jenkins HOW-TO: build a project from multiple (Git) repositories

Recently I have been working on a project that has two main modules: Backend and Frontend. The Backend is a Spring Boot application and the Frontend is an AngularJS 1.3 application. While preparing the build we are using Grunt for building AngularJS code and Gradle for building the Spring Boot application. Grunt is creating a JAR file containing all resources and copies it to Spring Boot application. Then Gradle takes the JAR and adds it to the resulting WAR. Long story made short. Both Backend and Frontend are different Git repositories, initially managed by different teams. Both needs to be checked to the same root folder, so the building process will properly run. In order to do the it on Jenkins, Multiple SCMs Plugin Jenkins plugin can be used. The plugin simplifies the configuration of such a build.