
Showing posts from October, 2017

Asynchrouns and Transactional Event Listeners in Spring

The built-in event publication functionality exists from the early Spring versions and it is still useful for handling basic communication between Spring components in the same application context. In general, the application can generate application events (that can be arbitrary objects) and listen to them. The whole mechanism is really simple: using ApplicationPublisher you publish events and using EventListener you handle them. What I find especially useful is asynchronous and transactional event listeners .

JUnit 5 - Quick Tutorial

JUnit 5 is the next generation unit testing framework for Java equipped with many interesting features including nested tests, parameterized tests, new extension API or Java 8 support to mentioned a few. This article shows basic concepts of JUnit 5 including test lifecycle, parameter injection and assertions (basic, timeout and exception).

Spring Boot - - Case Study

Externalizing Spring Boot application properties is useful when the same application code must be used with different configuration. If the configuration is to be kept away from the source code (which is considered a best practice anyways) spring.config.location environment property can be used to point the directory location with properties files for example. On the other hand, can be used to change the base name of the properties file which defaults to application . The documentation reads: if you don’t like as the configuration file name you can switch to another . But in what scenario could be used?