Spice up your test code with custom assertions

Inspired by the @tkaczanowski talk during GeeCON conference I decided to have a closer look at custom assertions with AssertJ library.

In my 'Dice' game I created a 'Chance' that is any combination of dice with the score calculated as a sum of all dice. This is relatively simple object:
class Chance implements Scorable {

    public Score getScore(Collection<Dice> dice) {
        int sum = dice.stream()
                .mapToInt(die -> die.getValue())
        return scoreBuilder(this)

public interface Scorable {
    Score getScore(Collection<Dice> dice);
In my test I wanted to see how the score is calculated for different dice combination. I started with simple (and only one actually):

public class ChanceTest {

    private Chance chance = new Chance();

    public void chance(Collection<Dice> rolled, int scoreValue) {
        // arrange
        Collection<Dice> rolled = dice(1, 1, 3, 3, 3);
        // act
        Score score = chance.getScore(rolled);
        // assert


A single concept - score object - is validated in the test. To improve the readability and reusability of the score validation I will create a custom assertion. I would like my assertion is used like any other AssertJ assertion as follows:

public class ChanceTest {

    private Chance chance = new Chance();

    public void scoreIsSumOfAllDice() {
        Collection<Dice> rolled = dice(1, 1, 3, 3, 3);
        Score score = chance.getScore(rolled);


In order to achieve that I need to create a ScoreAssertion class that extends from org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert. The class should have a public static factory method and all the needed verification methods. In the end, the implementation may look like the below one.

class ScoreAssertion extends AbstractAssert<ScoreAssertion, Score> {

    protected ScoreAssertion(Score actual) {
        super(actual, ScoreAssertion.class);

    public static ScoreAssertion assertThat(Score actual) {
        return new ScoreAssertion(actual);

    public ScoreAssertion hasEmptyReminder() {
        if (!actual.getReminder().isEmpty()) {
            failWithMessage("Reminder is not empty");
        return this;

    public ScoreAssertion hasValue(int scoreValue) {
        if (actual.getValue() != scoreValue) {
            failWithMessage("Expected score to be <%s>, but was <%s>", 
                    scoreValue, actual.getValue());
        return this;

    public ScoreAssertion hasCombination(Collection<Dice> expected) {
                .containsExactly(expected.toArray(new Dice[0]));
        return this;

The motivation of creating such an assertion is to have more readable and reusable code. But it comes with some price - more code needs to be created. In my example, I know I will create more Scorables quite soon and I will need to verify their scoring algorithm, so creating an additional code is justified. The gain will be visible. For example, I created a NumberInARow class that calculates the score for all consecutive numbers in a given dice combination. The score is a sum of all dice with the given value:

class NumberInARow implements Scorable {

    private final int number;

    public NumberInARow(int number) {
        this.number = number;

    public Score getScore(Collection<Dice> dice) {

        Collection<Dice> combination = dice.stream()
                .filter(value -> value.getValue() == number)

        int scoreValue = combination
                .mapToInt(value -> value.getValue())

        Collection<Dice> reminder = dice.stream()
                .filter(value -> value.getValue() != number)

        return Score.scoreBuilder(this)

I started with the test that checks a two fives in a row and I already missed on assertion - hasReminder - so I improved the ScoreAssertion. I continued with changing the assertion with other tests until I got quite well shaped DSL I can use in my tests:

public class NumberInARowTest {

    public void twoFivesInARow() {
        NumberInARow numberInARow = new NumberInARow(5);
        Collection<Dice> dice = dice(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5);
        Score score = numberInARow.getScore(dice);
        // static import ScoreAssertion
                .hasCombination(dice(5, 5))
                .hasReminder(dice(1, 2, 3, 4));

    public void noNumbersInARow() {
        NumberInARow numberInARow = new NumberInARow(5);
        Collection<Dice> dice = dice(1, 2, 3);
        Score score = numberInARow.getScore(dice);

                .hasReminder(dice(1, 2, 3));

public class TwoPairsTest {

    public void twoDistinctPairs() {
        TwoPairs twoPairs = new TwoPairs();
        Collection<Dice> dice = dice(2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 4);
        Score score = twoPairs.getScore(dice);

                .hasCombination(dice(2, 2, 3, 3))
                .hasReminder(dice(1, 4));

The assertion after changes looks as follows:

class ScoreAssertion extends AbstractAssert<ScoreAssertion, Score> {

    protected ScoreAssertion(Score actual) {
        super(actual, ScoreAssertion.class);

    public static ScoreAssertion assertThat(Score actual) {
        return new ScoreAssertion(actual);

    public ScoreAssertion isZero() {
        return this;

    public ScoreAssertion hasValue(int scoreValue) {
        if (actual.getValue() != scoreValue) {
            failWithMessage("Expected score to be <%s>, but was <%s>",
                    scoreValue, actual.getValue());
        return this;

    public ScoreAssertion hasNoReminder() {
        if (!actual.getReminder().isEmpty()) {
            failWithMessage("Reminder is not empty");
        return this;

    public ScoreAssertion hasReminder(Collection<Dice> expected) {
                .containsExactly(expected.toArray(new Dice[0]));
        return this;

    private ScoreAssertion hasNoCombination() {
        if (!actual.getCombination().isEmpty()) {
            failWithMessage("Combination is not empty");
        return this;

    public ScoreAssertion hasCombination(Collection<Dice> expected) {
                .containsExactly(expected.toArray(new Dice[0]));
        return this;

I really like the idea of custom AssertJ assertions. They will improve the readability of my code in certain cases. On the other hand, I am pretty sure they cannot be used in all scenarios. Especially in those, where the chance of reusability is minimal. In such a case private methods with grouped assertions can be used.


Source code

The source code for this article can be found in my general unit-testing-demo project at GitHub: https://github.com/kolorobot/unit-testing-demo.

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