Switch as an expression in Java with Lambda-like syntax

As of Java 14, the switch expression has an additional Lambda-like (case ... -> labels) syntax and it can be used not only as a statement, but also as an expression that evaluates to a single value.

Lambda-like syntax (case ... -> labels)

With the new Lambda-like sytax, if a label is matched, then only the expression or statement to the right of the arrow is executed; there is no fall through:

var result = switch (str) {
    case "A" -> 1;
    case "B" -> 2;
    case "C" -> 3;
    case "D" -> 4;
    default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + str);

The above is an example of switch as an expression returning an single integer value. The same syntax can be used in switch as a statement:

int result;
switch (str) {
    case "A" -> result = 1;
    case "B" -> result = 2;
    case "C" -> {
        result = 3;
    default -> {
        System.err.println("Unexpected value: " + str);
        result = -1;


In the situation when a block is needed in a case, yield can be used to return a value from it:

var result = switch (str) {
    case "A" -> 1;
    case "B" -> 2;
    case "C" -> {
        yield 3; // return
    default -> throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value: " + str);

Mutliple constants per case

It is also possible to use mutliple constants per case, separated by comma, which futher simplifies the usage of switch:

var result = switch (str) {
    case "A" -> 1;
    case "B" -> 2;
    case "C" -> 3;
    case "D", "E", "F" -> 4;
    default -> 5;

Final example

To demonstrate new switch syntax I created this tiny calculator:

double calculate(String operator, double x, double y) {
    return switch (operator) {
        case "+" -> x + y;
        case "-" -> x - y;
        case "*" -> x * y;
        case "/" -> {
            if (y == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't divide by 0");
            yield x / y;
        default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown operator '%s'".formatted(operator));

Source code

The source code for this article can be found on Github: https://github.com/kolorobot/java9-and-beyond


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